Philosophy of Swamiji Maharaj

Swami Ji Maharaj extolled the life of a Grihasthi (householder) and did not recommend renunciation for Mukti.
One should lead a responsible, disciplined, dedicated and dignified life with a “heart” to God and “hand” towards work (duty). One should have a clean sacred heart for Him to dwell and reside. God is for all—for the noble as well as the ignoble, the sinless and the sinners, the saints ad the evil-doers, the poor and the rich. Ram-Naam is the golden key for all.
And a simple litmus test for a devotee to find out whether he is progressing on the spiritual path, is to look for these three divine attributes: “Truthfullness”, “Fearlessness” and “Humiliry".A true devotee experiences “His” presence at all times and at all places. “He” is a protector and a witness to our actions.
Truthfulness refers to honesty in thought, speech and action. If one believes in Omnipresence of God, how can one not be truthful? God is a witness to all your actions. Fearlessness refers to the total absence of any type of fear from anything or any one. If one believes in God’s Omnipotence, there is no room for fear. Humility must never be mistaken for cowardliness as it is a virtue attributed only to the Bold and the Courageous. If one believes in God being the source of all virtues, one will always be Humble. The delusion that :"I am better than or superior to any one else"- should be nonexistent in the psyche or the conscious mind of a true devotee.
Swami Ji Maharaj observed ,"To know and realize one's own true self is Realization of Almighty”. Worshipping ‘The Lord’ with the repetition (Simran) of Holy Name ‘RAM’, with devotion (Shraddha) and Absolute Faith (Param Vishwaas) leads to the definite realization of God.
Swami Ji Maharaj says that Mukti (Freedom) does not mean renouncing the world and worldly duties. We should rather renounce or give up Fear and Doubt. We should see the Divine in everything and everybody.
The duality between Naam and Naami, the Creator and the Creation must cease to exist. The first lines written by Swami Ji Maharaj after he realized God were:
feV x;s la'k; Hko Hk; Hkkjs] HkzkfUr Hkwy Hkh Hkkxh AA
vc eksgs jke uke ykS yxh AA