Sadhna Satsang
Sadhna Satsang
“Attending Sadhna Satsang is a matter of discipline and self-regulation.When you come here to be a part of the satsang , you must make it your objective to overcome and overpower all the shortcomings of the mind – anger, criticism, jealousy etc.
You should attend the satsang with a conscious conviction that your life hereafter must change for good .”

The following three types of discussions are also forbidden during Sadhna Satsangs
Dhan Charcha (discussing worldly wealth)
Ann Charcha (food served is the gift of God; so no food-related discussion)
Jan Charcha (discussing other people and their lives, in short, gossiping)
It was Swami Ji’s desire that the devotees carry out the principles of Sadhna in their daily lives as well.
Dalhousie Sadhna Satsang
Sadhna Satsangs are organized at Narwood Param Dham twice a year. Due to high altitude and scarcity of accommodation, only limited number of devotees can participate in Sadhna Satsang at a time.
Although every nook and corner of this place is sacred and pious but the Hall and the Jaap Room have a special significance as these are the places where Maharaj Ji spent days and nights in incessant prayers for God-Realization. The entire ambience resonates with divine vibrations and this can be felt by any one who comes here. This along with the natural splendour of the mountains and the discipline which prevails is a unique spiritual experience for anyone.
Gohana Sadhan Satsang

The first Sadhna Satsang was organized in Gohana Ashram in 1974. Now-a-days regular Sadhna Satsangs are held many times a year especially prior to the special events and the New Year, where the devotees in large numbers can take part at a given time.
The natural flora & fauna, the peace and tranquility, and the disciplined environment create conducive ambience for spiritual enrichment.
The spacious accommodations, vast arrays of gardens provide ample space and opportunity for anyone to leave behind his worldly preoccupations and devote time to Simran and Dhyan effortlessly.
Haridwar Sadhna Satsang

The first Sadhna Satsang was organized by Swami Ji Maharaj in 1936 at Haridwar. Sadhna Satsangs are Spiritual Congregations to tone up life and living of the devotees.
Here the disciples live along with their Spiritual Master in a spiritually surcharged environment for a fixed number of days. In the year 1960, Swami Ji was not keeping good health and he ordered Bhagat Hansraj Ji (Pujya Pita Ji) to organize Sadhna Satsang at Shree Ram Sharnam, Haridwar.
It was the first time, that in Maharaj’s life, he desired one of his disciples to take charge of Sadhna Satsang. It went on for 21 days, with three groups of seven days each. Since then every year during the Indian month of Shravan (monsoon, mostly July) Sadhna Satsang was held at Shree Ram Sharnam, Haridwar in the benign presence of Pujya Pitaji Maharaj.
The Devotees attend Sadhna Satsang, to become a fully disciplined Sadhakas under Satvik Diet, Proper Behaviour and Proper Effort at fixed timings.
Sadhna Satsangs are arranged at Dalhousie, Gohana, Haridwar, Abohar, Fazilka, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Noida, Mumbai, Palampur, Ranchi etc. Sadhna Satsangs are organized in different parts of the country throughout the year.